This is a post for all my readers who are new to writing or want to improve their craft! I'm writing a book series, and I have also written a couple short stories that have yet to be published. I'm just waiting to find the time to get art done for them. Anyway, my fantastic boyfriend is also a writer and has turned me onto this fantastic resource! For a couple years, I have been wanting to take a writing class but have never had the time or financial means to do so. I'm sure that this is a common rhetoric. Well, I have manifested my absolutely free writing classes! Aforementioned, my boyfriend showed me this awesome page with a college professor teaching his Writing Class! I am so excited to share this with all of you!
Happy Writing!
This is where I will share the shenanigans of my life in a very conversational tone. I have a lot of exciting things going on in my life, and I just want to share them with the world!
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Your Feelings Matter
Please do not dismiss or belittle someone’s mental and physical pain. I work two jobs on top of trying to get my writing done and pursue my artistic interests. I don’t want to work hourly paying jobs for the rest of my life. My career goals are much different. I am exhausted. Working with people drains me, as it does many other people. And please don’t give that same tired reply of, “Why don’t you just quit one of your jobs?” I have bills to pay. “Why not just give the art up? That’s an expensive hobby and you can’t really make a living off of it.” No, but it’s like therapy for me. And truthfully, it’s not all that expensive if you hit the right deals. “Just stop complaining. Everyone goes through this.” But why is that normal? Why is it normal to be miserable all the time? Why can’t it be normal to love what you do? And why the bloody hell can’t people be decent to each other?
There’s my rant for the day. Remember, your feelings matter. Your feelings are important. Listen to what your body is telling you. Make time for yourself to de-clutter your emotions and stress. Don’t let anyone dismiss you just because “that’s normal”. It shouldn’t be normal. Let’s make this a happier world together through our passions!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Mala Maker
So I recently became interested in making Malas. For those of you who don't know what that is, they are prayer beads used by those who practice Hinduism and Buddhism, and probably used by others. It's kind of like the Catholic rosary, but not. Anyway, I felt extremely drawn to making them. And before I even bought the supplies, I asked my friends and family on Facebook if anyone would actually be interested in purchasing one from me. To my delighted surprise, I have gotten several preorders from some fantasic and patient friends. Not only do I have to wait for the materials to ship in, but I have to make them before I ship them out.
I'm really excited to start this journey. In a previous post, I mentioned how I noticed the color pairing of blue and purple and how I have accepted it to mean that I am on the right path. Well, the very first Mala I made was... Blue and purple.
I am now selling them. The price will vary depending on how expensive the stones you want are plus the cost of shipping. They start at $50 and go up from there. If you are interested in purchasing a Mala, please visit my Facebook Page: Shenanigans of a Warrior Goddess. Message me with the type of stone(s) you want and the color of the cord and tassel you desire. The featured Mala is amethyst and agate with a blue cord and tassel.
I'm really excited to start this journey. In a previous post, I mentioned how I noticed the color pairing of blue and purple and how I have accepted it to mean that I am on the right path. Well, the very first Mala I made was... Blue and purple.
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Before Tassel |
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After Tassel |
I am now selling them. The price will vary depending on how expensive the stones you want are plus the cost of shipping. They start at $50 and go up from there. If you are interested in purchasing a Mala, please visit my Facebook Page: Shenanigans of a Warrior Goddess. Message me with the type of stone(s) you want and the color of the cord and tassel you desire. The featured Mala is amethyst and agate with a blue cord and tassel.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Love - As Defined by the Christian Bible
Am I Christian? No. I denounced my faith in the Christian God two years ago when I was told by the pastor’s wife that God didn’t want me to divorce my abusive husband. However, I know that some of you who read this may be Christians, and if you’ve read any of my other stuff, I believe in peace and unity. So let me share one of my old sermons with you. While everyone is off preaching hate against anyone who believes, thinks and acts differently than them… Let me share with you a sermon of love….
1 Corinthians 13 New International Version (NIV)
13 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. - If you don’t speak out of love, then are you contributing anything helpful? Think about a gong being stuck repeatedly or cymbals clanging over and over again. At first, it might sound nice, even peaceful. But after a while it just gets annoying and you begin to get a headache.
2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. - If you speak fantastic truths or knowings just because you know them, if you believe in what you do with everything you have…. What’s the purpose if you don’t possess love? Why dedicate yourself to something like a career or a goal if you don’t absolutely love it? Why dedicate yourself to a person if you don’t love them? Why dedicate yourself to a faith if you don’t love it? You’re throwing yourself away.
3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. - If you do something just so you can brag about it, then you are a fake person. It’s one thing to do something kind and share that to raise awareness; it’s a whole different matter to do the right thing for the wrong reasons. At this point, as a Christian, you are putting your ego higher than God. This is self-worship. Check yourself.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. - Please keep this in mind, especially with the holidays coming up. This doesn’t just apply to those you know, this applies to the strangers you interact with everyday. These people are your co-workers, the cashiers, the servers and everyone else you see throughout the day. Please be respectful. Be loving and kind and understanding. We are all people. We make mistakes. Take a deep breath and calmly explain the issue. The problem will get resolved, I promise. Besides, we’re on this Earth for about a century, anyway. Will it matter if your coffee wasn’t made just right when you get to those pearly gates? Be patient.
6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - This is an important one for the current state of things in the USA. Remember to always be honest - and you can be honest while remaining kind. Remember to protect those whom you see that need protecting, be trusting (you can be cautious, too; Always know how to defend yourself), have hope of a better tomorrow - a better future, and make your dreams and goals realities.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. - The ways of this world as we know it will eventually die out. We’re in a fork in the road, so the dying out can be good as it is good to prune a bush or tree, or it can be bad as in mass extinction. But when the fullness of the the path we are on comes to fruition, we will have a full understanding of the situation at hand. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say. But no matter the outcome, we will still have love. Whether that’s a healthy self-love, love for each other or love for any number of things, love always stands.
11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. - This is important for a lot of people who call themselves adults. I see a lot of adults acting like children: pushing, shoving, name-calling, tantrum throwing…. Are you actually adults? Take a step back to check in with yourself. Make sure you wouldn’t punish your kids for acting the way you are.
12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. - It is important to note that a mirror during the time that this was written would have been more like a dull, yet shiny metal plate. So the reflection was dull. This is when you are held accountable for your actions. Whether you are just joining your faith (if applicable), or you have strayed from the path you had intended to walk. You choose to be blind to your misactions. Be your own accountability partner. Or ask someone you trust to help keep you in check. Hatred, greed, discord, division, egoism.. That’s all taught as we grow up. It can be unlearned as bad habits can be unlearned. Sometimes we need help, and that’s ok. Know true potential for love and peace and unity fully.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - Love conquers all. Christians, I am speaking to you now. Please, I implore you… If God is both love and your rock, and your foundation is supposed to be built on the rock rather than the sand… Please build your foundation on Love. For God is Love. God is the rock that you are supposed to build on. I see far too many people calling themselves Christians who lack the very foundation that they are supposed to be built on. I call those people Sunday Christians. Let your foundation be love. Please.
This is now directed at everyone. Please, be loving. Be kind. Be understanding. Be unifying. Be peaceful. Celebrate diversity. Love trumps hate. Love is always the answer!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Patterns with Meanings
I have been seeing the color combination of Blue and Purple for about 2 years now ~ I honestly forget when I started noticing these color pairings. Colors are important to me, especially in my work of dream interpretation. But when I started to see the colors in waking life, my color interpretation guides didn’t help me. I started to go crazy about what the color combination meant and why I kept seeing it everywhere. Everywhere. I was driven to tears from feeling so lost as to what it meant. People kept telling me that I was imagining things. They said that since I was focused on those colors, that’s why I kept seeing them. That maybe the colors had something to do with my chakras. Maybe it’s a warning? The reason, or meaning, that I am choosing to believe in this moment, though… is that I am on the right path, and this is a little huge from the universe, my Guides, and anyone watching over me.
My yoga instructor has blue and purple hair. The woman teaching me shamanism has blue and purple decor in her house ~ in the room that we practiced in, no less! My place of work, even though I would rather not be there, has the color theme of blue and purple!!!! These are just a few of the observations that I have had. And I haven’t noticed just the colors. I keep seeing the number sequences 747 and 737. On prices when I ring people up, on the clock, on license plates…
I know that I am going to be ok. I know that I am on the right path. I know that the things I am worried about will work out just fine. I am where I am supposed to be, and will end up where I am supposed to be if I keep true to myself.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Winter is Here
We've heard it through all the seasons of Game of Thrones that "Winter is Coming". Well, it's here! And I am not happy! It's cold and wet and I have to go outside and drive with crazy people to get to work. It's like everyone forgets how to drive when it starts to snow. Be safe, slow down a bit. It's not a race, but also, you don't need to go turtle speed. Have plenty of room between your front bumper and the rear bumper of the person in front of you in case it's slick to allow for some slide room. Leave a bit earlier, and all that good stuff. Please. Drive safe this winter.
As for the actual snow.... It's pretty, yes. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to freeze to death one of these winters. I sleep with a heavy comforter even in the summer, so this will be torture for me. Everyone is frolicking around and the snow hasn't even stuck yet! I do have to say, though.... It is quite fun to throw snowballs at people and make snowmen. As long as I have my nice, hot coffee, I think I might be able to survive the cold.
Stay warm. Drive safe. Winter is Here.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Supply Run Update
First off, I would like to say that the supply run to Standing Rock was very successful! The group took a full pick-up truck load of supplies to our Water Protectors. It wasn’t the semi full like we would have liked, though it was short notice.
The fight continues, however. There is still violence and intimidation happening in force. Please remember to keep PUBLICLY checking into Standing Rock. Daily if you can remember to do so. This is something that you can do to help even if you can’t actually make the journey. This will help confuse those who are monitoring Facebook in search for the peaceful protesters. Checking into Standing Rock publicly will also get it more media attention. The media is still not covering this; there was one brief segment on NPR about this, but that was all. Keep spreading awareness.
Peace and love to all of you.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Healing, Growing...
So much has changed in two years. Two years ago, when I left my ex, marked a new chapter for me. One of growth of mind, body and spirit. I have learned to face the traumas of my past and to begin to heal myself. I have challenged myself to rise above my fears and anxieties. I have striven to become more spiritually awakened. In two years, I have become a much better and much more grounded person.
And while I had to *want* to be better, want to heal... I couldn't have done it without all the wonderful people in my life. You know who you are! I love each and every one of you from the very bottom of my heart.
The things I had to heal from, some never knew about. For starters, my mother was - and still is - an awful person. She had been extremely abusive growing up, even to go so far as to nearly murder my sister one night in one of her countless drunken rages. She always allowed shady people around us kids. I have even been raped twice in my life by people she trusted. She was controlling and toxic. And I cut her out of my life as one would cut a dead limb off a bush. Moreover, I had to heal from my ex husband who treated also treated me terribly. Insecure with himself, he tried to force me into sexual acts that I could not stomach. He also abused me, as my mother had done. And when he hit me, I could take no more and I fled. ~ There is so much more that adds to the healing; this is merely a small summary.
There were a few people that my mother allowed into my life that were truly good people; angels sent to give me hope and protection, I am sure of it. One such angel has introduced me to a who tribe of wonderful goddesses. These wonderful women help to shape me everyday to be a better me, which I strive for every day.
I also have a wonderful man by my side now who has been equally, if not more, helpful in this new chapter of my life. He helped me to trust again. He has helped me to love fully again. He treats me like a queen. He has allowed me time to begin my healing process and break out the protective shell that I had built over the course of my life due to the many aforementioned traumas. He cuddles with me and makes an effort to set aside time for us in the busy schedule he has to juggle. He tells me often that he's proud of me and loves me and he gets excited over the little things that are big things for me. Saturday, November 12, 2016
Safety Pin
I am now wearing the safety pin. In the face of fear, hatred and anger, I felt that it not only is the right thing to do, but my duty to make sure that everyone is safe and has support. I stand with you if you are an immigrant. I stand with you if you are Muslim. I stand with you if you are Black. I stand with you if you are LGBTQ+. I stand with you if you are being persecuted, discriminated against, bullied. I stand with you.
I am a safe person. This means that I will make sure you are safe in public. This means that I will make sure you get a ride home if you need one. I will walk you to your car. I will wait until someone you feel safe with picks you up. I will stand up to your oppressors with you. I will actively strive for peace, love and unity. I will actively strive for understanding, harmony and acceptance. I will actively strive for a better future.
We must stand together and fight this hatred, fear, violence and division with LOVE. Love is the only way to heal our broken Earth. Love is the only way we are going to heal humanity. Love is the only answer to solve these problems. And it starts with you, and it starts with me. It starts with each of us taking one step of peace, love and kindness everyday, with everyone we meet. It will become easier. Let us normalise love. Let us normalise peace. Let us normalise understanding.
Together, we will bring about the peace and healing we so desperately need. #SafetyPin
Friday, November 11, 2016
Not Preordained
To those of you who are saying that the Trump presidency is preordained by God, this is for you:
By your argument, it was preordained that Eve would eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. By your argument, it was preordained that hate, pain and misery would encompass the world. By this argument, it was preordained that wars, famines and disease would plague this planet. By this argument, it was preordained that murder, rape and abuse would sweep across the Earth. By this argument, original sin was preordained. This argument means that free will doesn’t really exist; if it is preordained, then we never had a choice.
No? You disagree?
Does any of that sound like something a LOVING God would do? By this logic, He created us just to punish us. Those are not the actions of a loving God. A loving God would protect us, teach us and be physically present.
Now I would be considered to be testing God. Let me say this, then.
If God exists, and we can trust the Bible that has been edited who knows how many times by human beings with an agenda….
God stands for peace. God stands for unity. God stands for understanding. God stands for harmony. God stands for love.
So… Why is there so much bad in the world?
Satan stands for division. Satan stands for hatred. Satan stands for spite. Satan stands for bigotry. Satan stands for confusion. Satan stands for jealousy. Satan stands for greed.
Or so we are told by the Christian Bible.
People use Christianity today, and have used it through the ages, to justify their hatred and bigotry and greed and spite and division. This is not the actions of a people who worship a loving God. Yet, it happens everyday. Are you not to show people the love, compassion and understanding of Jesus as a Christian? So why turn those away whom you disagree with?
I must also note that if your faith in the Christian God truly makes you a better person, then that is your truth. I do not judge you. If your faith in the Christian God has changed your life for the better, and everyone else around you, then I am happy for you. If you are a truly good person who is all accepting and understanding, I stand with you. As long as you aren’t hurting yourself or other, I stand with you.
If you are using your faith in the Christian God to be divisive, bigoted, hateful or anything in relation, you are part of the problem. Do not use your faith to harm others. We are in terrifying times. We must stand together. We must be loving and kind to one another, no matter our faiths. And if you try to tell me that I was not kind in this article, then those are your feelings, and I won’t deny you your feelings. Just because you believe in a faith/religion/God or don’t believe in any religion, does not make you better or worse than anyone else. We are equal. We must not simply look past those things which make us different, we must embrace those things. Things such as race, religions and the like should not divide us, but make us stronger.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
We The People Against the Two Party System
Friends… I believe that it’s clear that democracy is failing in this country. This is no longer about which side of the two party system you are on. Most people did not want either Trump or Clinton to win. However, it’s clear that hate and bigotry won out. The two party system is failing. The checks and balances are balanced no more. We have career politicians and corrupt corporations buying their favors. It is time to stand up. It is time to speak out. It is time to have more diversity in our politics. We need a party (or several) with clear support for what the people truly want. This is not the time to bicker about disagreements. Let’s focus on what we DO want, and then work out the details that divide us. Let’s be friends who want to get along rather than enemies who hate each other. Right now we need to stand together and problem solve. This country is in a mess, and unless we join forces, it will not be fixed. We are supposed to be the UNITED States, not the Divided States. There is middle ground. There can be peace. We must find it and strive for it. We have four years to get our act together as citizens. WE have the power. Do not let these career politicians take that power away.
Right now we just need to talk out our needs as a diverse people. Please refrain from high debate topics for now such as gun laws and abortion laws. This, right now, is simply about getting our voices heard and respected. We have four years to build momentum. It starts with us, showing our peers the love and compassion that we want to see. It starts with us really taking part in our local politics. We are the front lines.
Please do not allow hate to win. Please join this group with the genuine intentions of working peacefully together.
We The People Against the Two Party System
Sunday, November 6, 2016
So I have spoken before of Simbi, and that is how this next story has come about! I put an offer out to feature someone’s story, and the lovely Oona Winged Wolf (as she wishes to remain anonymous) stepped forward and we are exchanging stories of one another’s art!
Miss Oona lives in Aurora, MO. She is disabled and unable to work due to these disabilities, but she doesn’t let that stop her from living her life with joy and happiness. She says, “I am given the freedom to work my art and get to know others through my art. I can not really think of anything I would rather be doing although if my art began to support me so I no longer needed the disability check I would be quite pleased.”
Oona works with many mediums, but when I asked her if she had been afraid to try any mediums, she said no. Only finances keep her from exploring every art form available to us. She wishes to explore animation, but the software is too expensive for her, and she would also love to create the music for her YouTube channel. These are merely a couple of examples of art she would love to try, but can’t at this moment. “I don't let that get me down though, they are goals not barricades. I will one day be able to try them, just not right now. And I am ok with that.”
She is currently working on her digital art. This is a new form of art for her, and she had been having a blast with it! She has used a large variety of art mediums throughout her journey. “In the past I have painted with acrylics, drawn using whatever I could get my hands on and crocheted. The addition of digital art has really pushed my boundaries and expanded my skills. As to subject matter? I work primarily with animals: realistic, cartoony, and anthropomorphic.”
She doesn’t have any awards to speak of since she’s never entered any contests. For her, it’s enough that people love her art and commission her for projects. Which is pretty awesome! “My biggest achievement was when one of my pieces sold for $10, if we bring crochet to the table, my biggest sale was for a graphghan that depicts a lobster. I was paid $90 to create this.” There’s no reason for contests if people love your work, anyway!
When asked what inspired her to create her art in the first place, Oona stated, “At the risk of sounding cheesy, Life inspires me. The ever changing seasons, the colors, the immense variety of animals and people. I find it almost impossible to not be inspired!”
Oona doesn’t really have an end goal with her art. She uses it mainly as therapy for herself; it helps her to express her joy and her sorrow. “If others enjoy it - wonderful! If they don't? That's fine. Overall I do my art for myself. I'm not looking to get rich or become famous. I just want to put my heart and imagination out there for the world to see.”
I asked her what words of wisdom she had for aspiring artists, and let me just say that her words were inspiring to me, for sure! I sincerely hope that her words will bring you that same inspiration!
“Let me take a moment and speak directly to you, my fellow creative mind. Do not let anyone tell you something is impossible. There is nothing that we can not figure out how to do. It may end up being completed in a way some never even dreamed of but just look at all the technology we have today that was written off as science fiction as recently as the early 90s! If computers can advance as they have so too can you. Simply choose what you want done and keep trying different ways until you find the one that works for you. Lastly, everyone of us is an artist in some form: Mothers are artists of life, doctors are artists of medicine, and so forth.
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Oona Winged Wolf |
Holiday Shoppers
Halloween is over and now Christmas is in the air! Pay no attention to Thanksgiving, though! It's not like it's the greatest holiday EVER - we all know it is! Anyway, a lot of you are all out shopping early for holiday gifts, which is smart! Good for you! But please remember that a lot of these retail workers are still people and subject to human mistakes. Please remember that a lot of these retail workers are new to the job since companies need a few extra hands around for the holidays. Please remember to be kind and patient. These are just material items, it's not going to be the end of the world if you don't get exactly what you want, when you want it.
I want to bring this to attention, because I have started a seasonal retail job. I have already noticed the rude holiday shoppers, and this is in a CHRISTIAN based company! Yes, please imply that I am stupid because *your* check didn't run through properly. Thanks. No, there is not a learning curve to getting and staying hired as you so blatantly put it, Ma'am. Eye contact and pleasantness should be a common courtesy, should it not? If I ask you a question, don't cut me off before I have even finished with a rude and short, "I'm not interested", followed by the way of your hand and dropping your card onto the counter when my hand is outstretched for you. Your mother, too, did this. Just because I am currently working retail does not mean that I am less than you.
For your information, I am currently working TWO jobs. That's right, two! Plus, I have to make time to write my book, write my blog, get to yoga class (since this is my desired profession - asides from being a published author), make time for my spiritual studies, clean my apartment, make sure my bills are paid and food in the fridge, and make sure I get enough sleep in between all of that! You are not the center of the universe. Please stop acting like it. If we can have mutual respect for one another, that would be fantastic.
And yes, I am supposed to sell you certain products. I already know that you're going to decline, can you at least do so graciously? It's all one big act. You know it; I know it. So just play along nicely, and we can all be happy at the end of the day, alright? And while we're at it, tip your servers this holiday season! They only make $2.13 an hour, and a lot of them are single mothers who are going to school while trying to get their kids the best future that they can! And don't bad mouth single parents. You have no idea what they go through on a daily basis. *It is important to note that I am speaking of American server/waitress/waiters given the broad spectrum of my audience from other countries.
Make universal respect the theme of the holidays! Make unity the theme of the holidays! Make compassion the theme of the holidays! Make love and understanding the theme of the holidays! Be a light in the darkness! And when you see an injustice, please speak up!
Happy Holidays, Everyone!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Edward Vincent Dempsey Jr
I lost my grandpa on my mother’s side on November 3, 2015. His story is such an inspiration to me. He’s one of the big reasons that I want to succeed in life. I’d like to share the summary of his life and hopefully inspire some of you as well.
My grandpa was an orphan during the Great Depression. His parents were separated. His father died of an accidental suicide by forgetting to turn off the gas before he went to sleep. His mother actually did try to commit suicide, though I forget how. My grandpa and his two sisters were separated when they were taken to their respective orphanages. My memory of his time in the orphanage is fuzzy since I haven’t heard it since I was in high school. However, I can tell you that it was absolutely horrible. One part I do remember quite clearly is one day, my grandpa and a few of his friends in the orphanage decided to run away. They decided that they could find work for food, and they did. And then they found an abandoned house in a nearby neighbourhood where they stayed for a few days, each boy returning back to the orphanage one by one. My grandfather was the last to return, and thusly the nuns believed that he was the ring leader. He was beaten so badly that he couldn't get out of bed for days.
When he was finally old enough to leave the orphanage, he got three jobs. He was a grocery store stocker, he cleaned the printing press for the newspaper, and he set up the bowling pins at the bowling alley. He made $18 a week ~ $10 for rent and $8 for food. One day, a woman who owned a delivery business approached him ~ he made a point to mention that it was unusual for a woman to own a business at this time. She offered him a job as a driver, stating that he needed his license and driving experience. He told her that he had both, and she hired him in. My grandpa rode with one of the truck drivers to learn the route and to help unload the deliveries. One day the driver was sick and couldn’t come into work, and my grandpa had to come clean. He told the lady that he neither had his license nor driving experience. She had no choice but to fire him. But my grandpa was not disheartened.
Later that evening, he took his birth certificate to the legal office (I forget exactly where), and while no one was looking he took the pen that they used and and turned the slightly curved one ( 1 ) at the end of his birth year into a zero, making himself a year older. He joined the Coast Guard the next day and joined the Aviation unit. While in the Coast Guard, he became a pilot. From what I was told, he was amazing, too. When he left the Coast Guard, he flew commercial airplanes. That’s where he met his wife; she was a Delta flight attendant. They received a Coast Guard wedding in Dade, FL in April of 1966, and the pictures that I have seen are absolutely amazing! My grandmother had to quit her job, though; flight attendants weren’t allowed to be married back then.
So far, this is all I can find of my grandparents on my mother’s side. Hopefully, I can find more someday. I had hoped to find my grandparent’s wedding picture that was featured in the newspaper, but alas, I could not.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Stoping Dakota Access Pipeline
The group made it to the Water Protectors with thedonations gathered. It wasn't a semi full; it filled a big truck bed. There was lots of water, among other items. I will address their trip in a forthcoming article when they return. Thank you all for your support! There are still four (4) days to buy your t-shirt. We need 15 more bought before we can do any good with the funds! Please help us reach this goal! Thank you!
So in the original article concerning the pipeline, I just included petitions and a mailing address for supplies to be sent. This post is going to be dedicated to My personal Tribe of powerful goddesses. Over the next couple weeks, two instructors will be hosting Buti Yoga and Zumba classes for donations for the cause. The group is leaving on November 11. They are planning on taking a semi truck of supplies down to the Water Protectors. To support this monetarily, you can buy a Hoosiers For Standing Rock t-shirt here. Some of the supplies these ladies plan on taking are as follows:
Mendards/Low's/Hardware Store Gift Cards
Gift/Gas Cards for the Trip
Firewood (Oak, Maple, Ash)
Winter Clothes
Thermal Blankets
Fire Extinguishers
Milk of Magnesia
First Aid Kits
Small Propane Heaters
Tie Downs
Sleeping Bags
Heavy Duty Tarps
Walkie Talkies
If you are in or around the area of Ft. Wayne, IN and can donate any of the above materials, please contact Shelby Knepper-Seidel at (260)494-0002 or email her at
Special Update: Time change for November 10!
The Zumba classes will be Monday nights at 6pm with a special event (Rave / Zumbathon) on November 10 from 6pm - 8:30pm! The address for Sud'n Impact is:
2429 W Main St, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808
"We are now adding some Buti to the mix. 1.5 hours of zumba followed by an hour of Buti(tribal dance mixed with yoga). You will not want to miss this!!!!! #peacefulwarriorsunite"
Please bring a donation to this event on November 10!
Thank you for your support.
The group made it to the Water Protectors with thedonations gathered. It wasn't a semi full; it filled a big truck bed. There was lots of water, among other items. I will address their trip in a forthcoming article when they return. Thank you all for your support! There are still four (4) days to buy your t-shirt. We need 15 more bought before we can do any good with the funds! Please help us reach this goal! Thank you!
So in the original article concerning the pipeline, I just included petitions and a mailing address for supplies to be sent. This post is going to be dedicated to My personal Tribe of powerful goddesses. Over the next couple weeks, two instructors will be hosting Buti Yoga and Zumba classes for donations for the cause. The group is leaving on November 11. They are planning on taking a semi truck of supplies down to the Water Protectors. To support this monetarily, you can buy a Hoosiers For Standing Rock t-shirt here. Some of the supplies these ladies plan on taking are as follows:
Mendards/Low's/Hardware Store Gift Cards
Gift/Gas Cards for the Trip
Firewood (Oak, Maple, Ash)
Winter Clothes
Thermal Blankets
Fire Extinguishers
Milk of Magnesia
First Aid Kits
Small Propane Heaters
Tie Downs
Sleeping Bags
Heavy Duty Tarps
Walkie Talkies
If you are in or around the area of Ft. Wayne, IN and can donate any of the above materials, please contact Shelby Knepper-Seidel at (260)494-0002 or email her at
Special Update: Time change for November 10!
The Zumba classes will be Monday nights at 6pm with a special event (Rave / Zumbathon) on November 10 from 6pm - 8:30pm! The address for Sud'n Impact is:
2429 W Main St, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808
"We are now adding some Buti to the mix. 1.5 hours of zumba followed by an hour of Buti(tribal dance mixed with yoga). You will not want to miss this!!!!! #peacefulwarriorsunite"
Please bring a donation to this event on November 10!
Thank you for your support.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
A Cause For Celebration
I want to thank you all so much! I have just reached 1,000 views! I am still figuring things out here (like how to make my page look pretty and fix the links to look nice), so thank you for dealing with the ugliness while I bring everything together. I invite you to become a follower and help to grow this blog into something wonderful! It's just a click away in the upper right hand corner of my page above my 'About Me' segment.
My hope is to help someone along with their own journey by sharing the experiences that I have been through. If you need encouragement, I hope you find it here.
Much love to all my readers!
My hope is to help someone along with their own journey by sharing the experiences that I have been through. If you need encouragement, I hope you find it here.
Much love to all my readers!
Women Healing Women
So this past weekend was absolutely magical! My spiritual journey is starting to pick up now. I can see where I’m headed, and I love it! I have new goals and plans for myself. Most of which will start coming into fruition in 2017.
So, this weekend I went on a yoga retreat with a group of the most amazing women! It was a very short two night stay, but it was so worth it. While we were there in Gatlinburg, TN, we really got to come together in sisterhood and as powerful women healing each other. There was no cattiness, no competition; just a bunch of women lifting each other up. Aside from the amazing yoga that we did, we also got Reiki II certified! I am so excited to begin my journey as a healer!
There were so many emotions that were brought out in me that I thought I had dealt with. I thought I was over my mother being an absolutely terrible human being. But I'm not. I thought I was stronger than I really am mentally. But I still have a long way to go. I thought I knew myself better. But the light was shone on all the spots I had left neglected because I thought I had adequately healed from the wounds of my past. However, I know where to go next, or at least where my next few steps should be. My little lantern doesn't shine as far as I thought it did; so I'll take baby steps to ensure that I don't miss anything. I am strong, but I can be stronger. I have healed, but I have more healing left. I do know myself, but there's so much I learn about myself everyday. It's truly unbelievable. Only two nights, and I discover all these new and wonderful things about myself. I will embrace the pain, for that is the only way I can heal and move forward. I will take baby steps to ensure that I will not run too far ahead before I am truly ready to move on. I will strive to be the best me that I can possibly be. And it's all thanks to these wonderful women who have welcomed me into their humble little tribe of loving, encouraging and empowering women!
There were so many emotions that were brought out in me that I thought I had dealt with. I thought I was over my mother being an absolutely terrible human being. But I'm not. I thought I was stronger than I really am mentally. But I still have a long way to go. I thought I knew myself better. But the light was shone on all the spots I had left neglected because I thought I had adequately healed from the wounds of my past. However, I know where to go next, or at least where my next few steps should be. My little lantern doesn't shine as far as I thought it did; so I'll take baby steps to ensure that I don't miss anything. I am strong, but I can be stronger. I have healed, but I have more healing left. I do know myself, but there's so much I learn about myself everyday. It's truly unbelievable. Only two nights, and I discover all these new and wonderful things about myself. I will embrace the pain, for that is the only way I can heal and move forward. I will take baby steps to ensure that I will not run too far ahead before I am truly ready to move on. I will strive to be the best me that I can possibly be. And it's all thanks to these wonderful women who have welcomed me into their humble little tribe of loving, encouraging and empowering women!
My goals are to become Buti Yoga certified and to practice Reiki every chance I can so that I can be ready for the Reiki Master certification next year on our retreat. My goals are to become a buti yoga instructor and Reiki healer as well as a published author and artist. I have some lofty goals for myself, but I believe that everything is coming together quite nicely for myself.
Did I mention we also saw a black bear? He was the most adorable bear I’ve ever seen! He seemed nice enough to cuddle with, but we figured it was better to be safe than sorry.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
The Dying Tree
There is a dying tree in my dad’s front yard. It had the Ash Bore Virus a few years ago, and my father has neglected to cut it down. It’s wilting, growing weaker. We even had to remove a substantial part in the middle of the branches. But still it stands, a sad symbol of what life has become for my family. But there is some hope to this story. See, somehow, there has been new growth; new branches with fresh green leaves have sprouted and begun to grow despite the wilting of the rest of the tree.
As I mentioned already, this is a representation of my family. Let me explain. The virus which infected the tree is a representation of the toxicity that was present in my family, causing the divorce of my parents. The part that we had to remove on the tree is representative of my mother. Like the tree branches threatening to fall on our house, she threatened to destroy our lives. The trunk is representative of my father; like the branches of the tree, it is nearly impossible for my siblings and myself to break the cycle of pain and brokenness without the support of the foundation, the base of the family. My father still aches with depression from the horrors he lived through with my mother. And finally, the new growth on the tree is representative of myself. Somehow, I have found a way to break the cycle for myself and grow anew.
Over my lifetime, short as it may be, I have faced many trials. My mother being an alcoholic and extremely abusive only lead me to choose self harm and a partner who would come to treat me just the same. Whether by divine intervention, the powers of the universe, luck, or whatever else, I was able to steal myself away from that terrible cycle. As I have mentioned before, when I left my abusive ex-husband, we had been living in San Diego. I had no one; no friends, no family, nothing. I called home and told them what happened; I drove myself to Las vegas where my grandmother met me to accompany me the rest of the way home.
She saw my distress plainly written on my face. She saw the healing that I was desperately in need of. My grandmother decided to take me on a slight detour on our way home; you know, since we were out there anyway. Our detour destination was Sedona, AZ. This was absolutely a magical and healing experience for me. This four hour visit lead me on my journey of healing, renewal and growth. Almost two years later, I have found peace and happiness on my path to healing.
Like the nearly impossible new growth on the dying tree in my dad’s front yard, I have found a way to grow and heal. There is hope; there is always a way. Find your tribe, those who would see you be reborn from the ashes. Seek the help you need to move forward.
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