Friends… I believe that it’s clear that democracy is failing in this country. This is no longer about which side of the two party system you are on. Most people did not want either Trump or Clinton to win. However, it’s clear that hate and bigotry won out. The two party system is failing. The checks and balances are balanced no more. We have career politicians and corrupt corporations buying their favors. It is time to stand up. It is time to speak out. It is time to have more diversity in our politics. We need a party (or several) with clear support for what the people truly want. This is not the time to bicker about disagreements. Let’s focus on what we DO want, and then work out the details that divide us. Let’s be friends who want to get along rather than enemies who hate each other. Right now we need to stand together and problem solve. This country is in a mess, and unless we join forces, it will not be fixed. We are supposed to be the UNITED States, not the Divided States. There is middle ground. There can be peace. We must find it and strive for it. We have four years to get our act together as citizens. WE have the power. Do not let these career politicians take that power away.
Right now we just need to talk out our needs as a diverse people. Please refrain from high debate topics for now such as gun laws and abortion laws. This, right now, is simply about getting our voices heard and respected. We have four years to build momentum. It starts with us, showing our peers the love and compassion that we want to see. It starts with us really taking part in our local politics. We are the front lines.
Please do not allow hate to win. Please join this group with the genuine intentions of working peacefully together.
We The People Against the Two Party System
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