So I have spoken before of Simbi, and that is how this next story has come about! I put an offer out to feature someone’s story, and the lovely Oona Winged Wolf (as she wishes to remain anonymous) stepped forward and we are exchanging stories of one another’s art!
Miss Oona lives in Aurora, MO. She is disabled and unable to work due to these disabilities, but she doesn’t let that stop her from living her life with joy and happiness. She says, “I am given the freedom to work my art and get to know others through my art. I can not really think of anything I would rather be doing although if my art began to support me so I no longer needed the disability check I would be quite pleased.”
Oona works with many mediums, but when I asked her if she had been afraid to try any mediums, she said no. Only finances keep her from exploring every art form available to us. She wishes to explore animation, but the software is too expensive for her, and she would also love to create the music for her YouTube channel. These are merely a couple of examples of art she would love to try, but can’t at this moment. “I don't let that get me down though, they are goals not barricades. I will one day be able to try them, just not right now. And I am ok with that.”
She is currently working on her digital art. This is a new form of art for her, and she had been having a blast with it! She has used a large variety of art mediums throughout her journey. “In the past I have painted with acrylics, drawn using whatever I could get my hands on and crocheted. The addition of digital art has really pushed my boundaries and expanded my skills. As to subject matter? I work primarily with animals: realistic, cartoony, and anthropomorphic.”
She doesn’t have any awards to speak of since she’s never entered any contests. For her, it’s enough that people love her art and commission her for projects. Which is pretty awesome! “My biggest achievement was when one of my pieces sold for $10, if we bring crochet to the table, my biggest sale was for a graphghan that depicts a lobster. I was paid $90 to create this.” There’s no reason for contests if people love your work, anyway!
When asked what inspired her to create her art in the first place, Oona stated, “At the risk of sounding cheesy, Life inspires me. The ever changing seasons, the colors, the immense variety of animals and people. I find it almost impossible to not be inspired!”
Oona doesn’t really have an end goal with her art. She uses it mainly as therapy for herself; it helps her to express her joy and her sorrow. “If others enjoy it - wonderful! If they don't? That's fine. Overall I do my art for myself. I'm not looking to get rich or become famous. I just want to put my heart and imagination out there for the world to see.”
I asked her what words of wisdom she had for aspiring artists, and let me just say that her words were inspiring to me, for sure! I sincerely hope that her words will bring you that same inspiration!
“Let me take a moment and speak directly to you, my fellow creative mind. Do not let anyone tell you something is impossible. There is nothing that we can not figure out how to do. It may end up being completed in a way some never even dreamed of but just look at all the technology we have today that was written off as science fiction as recently as the early 90s! If computers can advance as they have so too can you. Simply choose what you want done and keep trying different ways until you find the one that works for you. Lastly, everyone of us is an artist in some form: Mothers are artists of life, doctors are artists of medicine, and so forth.
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Oona Winged Wolf |
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