Halloween is over and now Christmas is in the air! Pay no attention to Thanksgiving, though! It's not like it's the greatest holiday EVER - we all know it is! Anyway, a lot of you are all out shopping early for holiday gifts, which is smart! Good for you! But please remember that a lot of these retail workers are still people and subject to human mistakes. Please remember that a lot of these retail workers are new to the job since companies need a few extra hands around for the holidays. Please remember to be kind and patient. These are just material items, it's not going to be the end of the world if you don't get exactly what you want, when you want it.
I want to bring this to attention, because I have started a seasonal retail job. I have already noticed the rude holiday shoppers, and this is in a CHRISTIAN based company! Yes, please imply that I am stupid because *your* check didn't run through properly. Thanks. No, there is not a learning curve to getting and staying hired as you so blatantly put it, Ma'am. Eye contact and pleasantness should be a common courtesy, should it not? If I ask you a question, don't cut me off before I have even finished with a rude and short, "I'm not interested", followed by the way of your hand and dropping your card onto the counter when my hand is outstretched for you. Your mother, too, did this. Just because I am currently working retail does not mean that I am less than you.
For your information, I am currently working TWO jobs. That's right, two! Plus, I have to make time to write my book, write my blog, get to yoga class (since this is my desired profession - asides from being a published author), make time for my spiritual studies, clean my apartment, make sure my bills are paid and food in the fridge, and make sure I get enough sleep in between all of that! You are not the center of the universe. Please stop acting like it. If we can have mutual respect for one another, that would be fantastic.
And yes, I am supposed to sell you certain products. I already know that you're going to decline, can you at least do so graciously? It's all one big act. You know it; I know it. So just play along nicely, and we can all be happy at the end of the day, alright? And while we're at it, tip your servers this holiday season! They only make $2.13 an hour, and a lot of them are single mothers who are going to school while trying to get their kids the best future that they can! And don't bad mouth single parents. You have no idea what they go through on a daily basis. *It is important to note that I am speaking of American server/waitress/waiters given the broad spectrum of my audience from other countries.
Make universal respect the theme of the holidays! Make unity the theme of the holidays! Make compassion the theme of the holidays! Make love and understanding the theme of the holidays! Be a light in the darkness! And when you see an injustice, please speak up!
Happy Holidays, Everyone!
Narcissism, it's what's for dinner.