Do you struggle to pay your bills and have little to no money left over? Congratulations! You're one of the large majority of people in this very same category! Of course, you definitely are not cheering about this. There's so much to do and learn but no money to do it with! You can't afford to feed your soul with our current cash economy. That's really not fair.
However, there is a solution. A free one. A no gimmicks solution. Bartering. Trading services - things that you are good at - for other services that you otherwise could not afford. Why live an unfulfilled life when you can chase your dreams!!
This fantastic new app is called Simbi. There are so many categories of services offered here: Art Lessons galore, almost anything to do with writing, advice for just about everything, card readings, video game advice, the list goes on and on! This is a no cash economy. You trade deeds for deeds. And if you want a service that you can't trade your services with, then you can pay them with merit points to use as they please. You don't make money from this. It's a give and take economy.
The app is user friendly and offers loads of help in getting started. You do not pay for this app. You don't give your credit card information. You don't pay cash for any of the services listed. All you have to do is offer your own services in return.
Here's a link to Simbi:
Here's a few of my services as well. I offer Dream Interpretations and Oracle Card Readings, as well as a few others.
Dream Interpretation
Card Reading
Story Sounding Board
Someone to Talk To
Date Attire Help
Go check out Simbi!! Even if I don't have a service that you are interested in, someone else is bound to! Help change the economy of the world!
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