This is another topic that is near and dear to my heart. Bullying. As a lunch lady, I work with and see kids everyday Monday - Friday throughout the school year. I make connections with these kids, get to know them. But what I get to see is only a snap shot of their lives. There's only time for the quick small talk. "Hi, how are you today?" "Are you excited for the weekend?"
I get to see them interact with each other, mostly. Yes, I do have "favorites", but that's only because I have developed a deeper friendship with these particular children than the rest. One little girl, for example, was having the worst attitude problem last year. Let's call her Colette. Colette was giving myself and my two coworkers a lot of trouble. I suspect that many of the adults she interacted with during the day didn't treat her with respect, which I believe also had to do with her race (Because yes, there is still a problem with racism in 2017). Colette is this adorable little girl, and she's black. From my observations, a black child is treated differently when they are having a bad day than a white child is treated. So I made it my mission to treat this little girl with all the respect and understanding that children need and deserve. After a few weeks, Colette's attitude did a 180. All she needed was to be treated like a person. And they way that she was treated was an example of adults not necessarily bullying this little girl, but not respecting her. Which in my mind, is borderline bullying. How are these children going to grow up to be well rounded adults when they aren't given basic human respect in the first place?
Then I see kids bullying each other, and of course I step in when I see it. I saw a whole table of kindergartners bullying one boy at the table just because his reaction was funny to them. They were across the lunch room, and I could hear this little boy scream out to them to stop, red faced and crying. You bet your ass I gave them a lecture about bullying and then informed a teacher. These kids have to learn to respect each other. They have to learn kindness and compassion. It starts with the parents, honestly. Directly after the parents are those who are immediately involved with them once they are born (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles, cousins...). If a parent is trying to set boundaries for their child, and an immediate relative ignores the parents to allow the child to do as they please anyway, then you are teaching that child that it is okay to disrespect Mom and Dad, and by extension, that it is okay to disrespect others.
Kids need to realize that what they say hurts others, because then you get adults who are rude and disrespectful. We get adults who have no concern for the lives of others and continue to bully, mock, and make fun of those who are different. Different either because of continued bullying or other issues. "Safe spaces" are genuinely needed, and that is mocked and shit on. Why? We wouldn't need such places if people actually had compassion for each other. Why. Is. It. So. Hard. To. Care. About. Others. Why? Why is unconditional, universal love and understanding such a hard concept for people to grasp? I just read a story where a man stabbed his pregnant girlfriend, her cat, and himself over drugs. The comments section on the article were ridiculous. Those who were commenting cared more about the cat than the fact that the pregnant woman was stabbed. How is that okay? Why do they care more about the cat than a person? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love animals and believe they should be treated with all the love in the world. But to make jokes and judgement about the poor woman... "Why did she stay with him if he was abusive?" "She should have left. She must have low self-esteem." People, it starts from birth. They learn self-worth from birth. This all starts with the parents and the immediate family....
People inflict self harm, suicide, because of the awful things that are said to and about them. Bullying is no joke. It causes mental and emotional damage, and that can be so much worse than a physical wound. A physical wound will heal, but an emotional/mental wound can takes years to overcome. Now this child who was bullied has self-esteem problems, they think lowly of themselves, and they very likely suffer from depression. It makes me so angry and sad to see people treat each other like shit. Where is your humanity, people?! Please... Treat each other with care.
If you are a victim of bullying, I see you. I've been there. I know how you feel. In middle school, I was made fun of so badly that I cried myself to sleep and thought about killing myself every single night for half of sixth grade. I was called "E.T." and "alien" because my upper jaw was so narrow and my teeth over lapped each other. I got braces and was moved to a different school about halfway through the year, and my confidence began to blossom as I was actually treated with respect and started to make friends... And then I was moved again. This time, the bullying started up again. And it was never just bullying at school, either. My whole life, my mother bullied me and made me feel like I was the scum of the earth. And now I was at a school where even the teacher said that I "didn't want to be an author [my biggest dream that I am still working on] because they don't make any money". The cutting began in eighth grade on a beautiful sunny day. My mother had just said something awful to me, again. (Side note: my mother was never a good person. She hung out with bad people, one of whom raped me. She beat me, my brother, and sister with horse whips, belts, hangers... but her favorite was a metal spatula. When I would actually find the motivation to do my school work, she would say "You aren't going to do that anyway, so just go clean the barn." She nearly stabbed my sister one night (my sister was in fourth grade) in a drunken rage, and it was unusual for her to be home instead of the bar on any given night. That's just the tip of the iceberg. So no, I am not being "a typical kid" in regards to my mother.) So I had bullying at home, bullying at school, and those thoughts of self hatred finally boiled over. So I began cutting. I never received help for my depression. I had to figure it out on my own. I get it. I know how you feel. I am here for you. I love you. You are important and incredible.
If you are a bully - stop. Ask yourself why you are bullying others. What are your insecurities? What do you need to work on? Apologize to your victim(s), and if you don't have the guts to do it face to face, write a sincere letter of apology and give it to a trusted adult or individual to deliver it. I understand, you're stressed, right? Overwhelmed? Need to feel like you're in control? Stop. There are much healthier ways. I urge you to speak to a trusted third party whether that be a counselor, friend, parent, anyone who would help you on your journey to self improvement. I believe in you. You have every capability to be a beautiful person that spreads love and understanding. You can do this. I love you. I believe in you. I see you.
I send you peace and unconditional love. It is up to you to spread it through the world like wildflowers.
This is where I will share the shenanigans of my life in a very conversational tone. I have a lot of exciting things going on in my life, and I just want to share them with the world!
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Healthcare and the Christian God
I was told today that healthcare is not a “God given right”, but that it would be perfectly acceptable if it were a “government given right”. I disagree with the first point, which in turn affects the latter. The first affects the latter in this way: a majority of the people in the U.S. seem to think that this is a Christian nation (which it absolutely is not), and therefore it is nearly impossible to seperate church from state as it is supposed to be in all subject matters in regards to the law. Given that there are a lot of suffering people, not only in the U.S. but also the world, I can say that I am truly heartbroken by this kind of rhetoric since a majority of the people use their religion as a scapegoat to get out of helping those in need. Before I go any further, allow me to clarify something: I am not currently a Christian, but I was. I renounced my faith for personal reasons as outlined in one of my earliest posts. Now, let’s continue onward.
Have you ever noticed that a majority of those that call themselves Christians are some of the worst people? Those are Sunday Christians. They do what they want, then attempt to pray it all away at church just so they can do it again all over. This is the wrong way to go about religion. *Side note: if your religion excuses your hatred, bigotry, greed, and pride, then you need to find a new religion. End note.* I am very fortunate to have met a few really amazing Christians who truly read, comprehend, and carry out what their holy book says. And that is beautiful; it gives me hope that we will be able to work together for a better tomorrow. I am truly grateful for them and am happy to call these kind hearted people friends.
So let’s tackle that “healthcare isn’t a God given right” thing, shall we? A quick Google search brings up many links on this topic. Let’s take a look at some.
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay. Acquire no gold nor silver nor copper for your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics nor sandals nor a staff, for the laborer deserves his food. And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it and stay there until you depart.”
Now this looks super familiar to me, and anyone else who has read Utopia by Sir Thomas More (that book was written in 1516 when people were devoutly religious and went to church, so God is referenced many times in the book). In the land of Utopia, people were allowed, with a kind of passport and permission, to travel freely between towns and stayed very much like that mentioned in the verse taken from Matthew. It is very clear here that Jesus and his followers believed in helping those in need without receiving payment except for a place to sleep and food. What else do you need if your necessities are taken care of? Clothes can be sown and they could find a good walking stick on their journey if they needed one. The verse above can be summed up as such: Healthcare is free. It is a God given right.
Luke 14:13-15 ESV
“But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” When one of those who reclined at table with him heard these things, he said to him, ‘Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!’”
This is not directly related to healthcare, but it does say to be welcoming and accepting of those who are sick. It says to treat them as equal. It says to be loving and kind, despite the fact that they “can’t repay you”. To do anything else would be to deny that which one claims to believe. Do not be greedy. Help those in need. Open your hearts as Jesus opened his for you. That is, if you have chosen to believe in him. If not, that’s cool, too.
Matthew 9:9-13 ESV
9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. 10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Mercy, not sacrifice. A little backstory to this particular verse: Jesus had just told the paralyzed man to get up and walk. To the amazement of the crowd who saw it, the man did indeed get up, pick up the mat he had been lying on, and walked home. Did Jesus say, “Oh, sorry. I can’t heal you, because you’re broke”? No. He simply did it, because it was the right thing to do. Notice also, that Jesus said that he has not come for the righteous, but the sinners. In my personal opinion, the word “righteous” has a negative connotation to it. Those who think they are better than others or don’t have to contribute to the common good are often those who think highly, or righteously, of themselves. Therefore, they are unable to accept constructive criticism and suggestions on how to better themselves. Whereas “sinners” in this context sounds more like people who know they could be better and just need some guidance. So… Are you too good for betterment, or are you ready for some guidance?
Deuteronomy 15:7-11 ESV
“If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’
Need I say more? This. This right here says to give fully out of the kindness of your heart. This addresses a whole slew of problems. If someone needs something, you should give it freely. In this case, we are talking healthcare. People need health care. People get sick; there’s no way around it. Why do we then deny the needy treatment? If they are unable to pay, the common consensus is to let them be sick or let them die. Why is everyone so concerned about money? It is a failing system that should be abolished. (And as in previous posts: No, I will not give my money to anyone simply because I don’t think it should be used. I will continue to use it until we can come to a better agreement in the realm of our currency. To do otherwise would be foolish). We as humans should care about and for each other. If you are Christian, do you not believe that your God is the embodiment of love? Does he not call you to be like him? So God must be a hateful, bigoted, and prideful, right? If you are truly the body of Christ, he must not give a shit about anyone, right? Because that’s not what I learned. I learned that as the body of Christ, we are to help everyone in need. Jesus was a humanitarian, and his true followers are few and far between. Don’t say you are Christian if you won’t be kind, if you won’t be loving, if you won’t help those who need it.
I believe that healthcare should be 1) free, and 2) that it is indeed a “God given right”. Please, if you are going to believe one thing, study the book you’re referencing. This doesn’t even cover when Jesus healed a blind man with his spit (Mark 8:22-25) for free. This doesn’t cover when Jesus raised a girl from the dead and healed a sick woman on his way there (Mark 5: 21-43) for free. When he raises his friend Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38-44) for free. And so so so many more. He never demanded payment. Simply to go and do for others what he had done for them. Spread the goodness and love.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Get Back Up
So I went on this amazing bike ride earlier today with my love. My boyfriend loves bike riding and has this really nice road bike. I bought a new bike last year so that I could join him on his long treks on back country roads. Why not? I love nature. I know how to ride a bike and love doing so. He insisted on a helmet, which I thought was silly. I haven't fallen off my bike since I was first learning how to ride! I'll wear a helmet for horseback riding, sure... But I got the helmet anyway to appease him. Next were the shorts. The tight ones with the padding on the butt for added cushioning. Even with that added cushion on the butt of the pants, my butt still looks fan-freaking-tastic! So, I got the new bike, the helmet, and the fun new shorts that make my butt look awesome. But there was one more thing he suggested I get... New shoes and pedals with clips.... To lock my feet... To the pedals.
Um... What?
Yeah, that sounds pretty scary. What if I need to stop quickly? I'm going to die! Well, Today, we went on our first long bike ride together. Things were going great until we reached this hill. Coming up from behind us was a huge dump truck! My love was leading, and he was slowing way down. So slow that I almost ran into him and thought he forgot to signal that he was stopping. I fell. In the middle of the road.... With that dump truck coming straight at us. That was scary shit, let me tell you. Fortunately, I survived. (Obviously, or I wouldn't be writing about it). However, I now have a giant purple bruise on one knee, a huge knot on the other, and my palms are a bit scraped up.
Man, those clip in pedals mean business!
Um... What?
Yeah, that sounds pretty scary. What if I need to stop quickly? I'm going to die! Well, Today, we went on our first long bike ride together. Things were going great until we reached this hill. Coming up from behind us was a huge dump truck! My love was leading, and he was slowing way down. So slow that I almost ran into him and thought he forgot to signal that he was stopping. I fell. In the middle of the road.... With that dump truck coming straight at us. That was scary shit, let me tell you. Fortunately, I survived. (Obviously, or I wouldn't be writing about it). However, I now have a giant purple bruise on one knee, a huge knot on the other, and my palms are a bit scraped up.
Man, those clip in pedals mean business!
Monday, April 24, 2017
Book Review
One of my very dear friends wrote a cute children's book for her autistic son. He sometimes finds it hard to make decisions throughout the day. He loves books, though. So my friend Love Simzisko wrote Chaz Makes Choices.
The book is about “ a little boy [Chaz] who is faced with choices throughout his day. He has to think about the choices and consequences he is faced with and learn to make the right choices. Follow along as Chaz makes the right choices and has a good day.”
It’s an adorable story with charming artwork. You can buy it on Amazon here, and show an author some love!
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Earth Day
Today is a very special day. Today is the day we celebrate the Earth. Our home. Our Mother. What’s sad, however, are the multitudes of people who deny that She is in danger, the people who deny that climate change is real and that humans are the number one cause of it. What’s sad is how Her resources are used and abused while humans live way beyond our means without restoring what was taken, without giving back what we borrowed.
Today, I helped plant trees in a local park. It was so incredible to see all the wonderful people come together for a common cause. We didn’t fight about politics nor religion. We came together to help renew and restore our Earth, one little sapling at a time. It was so wonderful and grounding. In solidarity with this very special day, the March for Science took place all over the world. Wow, that is incredible. On one hand, I am so happy to see so many people come together to show the powers that be that we care about what happens to our Mother… On the other, I am deeply saddened that we even have to.
Today is Earth Day. However, it should be every single day that we protect and renew Her. It should be every day that we fight to defend the water that flows through Her, the trees that grow on Her, and the air that surrounds Her. It should be every day that we defend the life of all the animals and insects and to live in harmony with them. For the Earth is also their home.
Every. Day. We need to work together to heal Her, to restore Her. We need to work together to clean Her waters and forests and air. We need to work together to keep these disasters from ever happening again. Our Mother has cancer, and it’s name is “humans”. Let us realize our terrible mistake and correct it. We can do this. Together. So… What are you going to do to help the Earth?
Friday, April 21, 2017
WARNING: The following is not a popular opinion.
Globalization. What is it? Why is it bad? Let’s answer that first question with an easy Google search for the definition:
- the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
Now, so far, I don’t understand why this is bad. What I see is the definition of humans working together for the common good of all. No? You still think it’s bad? So does Google, apparently. Let’s check out the context they used to word to show us how to use it properly:
"fears about the increasing globalization of the world economy"
Now, I have copied and pasted all of the definition and the sentence used by Google. Don’t believe me? Google it for yourself.
Why are there fears about increasing globalization of the world economy? I’ll tell you why. Greed. Greed of money. Greed of resources. Greed of power. Greed of things. Pride. Ego. Everyone wants to be the best at the expense of others. But why would you want to have more than you need while someone else suffers?
We have the power to turn this world into one of love and peace. It is possible through hard work. Yes, it is so much easier to ignore the problems of others, because… Well, fill in the blank however you like. There are literally thousands of excuses to not pay attention past “you” and continue to ignore those who are in need.
Oh, but what about jobs? We’re losing jobs to those awful foreigners! That is what’s so bad about globalization, you dimwit!
Oh, I’m sorry… Have you not been paying attention? There are jobs a plenty for everyone. The powers that be, no matter where you are in the world, have all been telling us there there is scarcity. Not enough of this or that. While that is partially true, it is easily remedied. If. We. Work. Together. We can come together as a collective to break our chains of slavery. We can come together as a collective for the common good of all. And let’s not forget, that if we actually did what was best for all of us as a collective (humans, animals, the environment… Earth), money really wouldn’t be worth anything. Really, it’s just paper and metal. Yes, I hear you. No, I won’t be giving you my money just because I don’t agree with the fact that we have to use it. Sorry, but I won’t be giving it up until we can all give it up. All that will take is for everyone to realize that we have that power to say “No. I won’t be controlled anymore.” Because if you think about it, a large majority of the elites in this world are like an abusive partner in a relationship, and we the common peoples of the world are the victims. We don’t have to put up with this abuse any longer, Beloveds. We can leave and make a better life for ourselves.
We are One. We are Limitless. We are Love. We are Peace. Come, the sun is rising on this brand new day. Brush the dust off and begin the healing journey. I’m here. I stand with you.
You are not alone.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
No Need for Greed
Has anyone noticed the amount of stores closing, or is it just in my area? People are losing their jobs left and right. And what’s to blame for this? Well, a number of things. Online shopping is all the rage - and cheaper in most cases. Items are way overpriced, likely due to the high rent of the space that the stores are respectively using. Low wages (way less than a living wage) makes it difficult to buy those expensive items that the stores need to sell to pay rent and other costs to stay open. Which, in turn, leads to the stores closing and people losing their jobs. This makes life so much more difficult.
It’s growing increasingly unlikely that anyone can actually purchase and pay off a house. Apartment rent is becoming more and more ridiculous. A large majority of people are just one paycheck - maybe two - away from losing their homes. Groceries are expensive. Heaven forbid you actually need to buy new clothes for work! I have a problem with the inside of my thighs rubbing holes on the inside of my pants, and after nearly four months, I finally got a new pair of slacks for work. That was only because I had received a gift card that paid for most of the purchase, though. There are so many struggles.
And then we’re faced with the narrow minded people saying: Well, go to school and get a degree! Learn a trade/something useful! Gee, thanks, Person! I can’t even afford to live on my own, let alone school. No, I don’t want to drown in debt, thank you very much. I have two jobs and trying to find a third just to survive, as are millions of other people.
But why? Why do we allow ourselves to struggle so? Do we not realize that if we came together, we could throw the chains and shackles that bind us to this crumbling and destructive system? Do we not realize that we really don’t need money? Why do we? If we were kind to each other… If we took care of each other… If we loved one another… Brothers and Sisters, we can build an Eden, a Utopia. If we worked together.
Oh, but Ashley… No one will work together for that. It’s not realistic.
Why not? Why is it not realistic?
Because of the human condition? We are naturally full of greed and corruption.
No. We are naturally Love. We are taught to be corrupt.
We truly have no need for greed. We have no need for money. The only riches we need are that of love, kindness, and all the nutritional things that the Earth provides for us, her children.
Stand with me. Stand with the Earth. Stand with Humanity. Stand for the highest good of all. There is no reason to be in need of anything, for everything is provided.
** ** **
I fear I have gotten away from the point that I was originally going to make. I was going to say to buy locally and not online if it could be at all helped. But the point that ran away with me is even more prevelant.
Be blessed, Family!
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Utopian Society
I am part of a group who was trying to create a community based in love and kindness, clean energy and a respect for the earth and all the living beings that inhabit the earth. The Earth is dying, and many fear that she's at a critical low. We must act now to save her. I have come to the realization that sealing ourselves off in some distant community isn’t going to do anyone any good. We need to do many things to turn things around for the good. But we need to do it together.
I have been thinking a lot about this lately, and I have come to the realization that we need to start making these changes within the communities that we are already in. We need to start ‘being the change that we want to see in the world’. I admit that I’m a little lost on how to make this an actual movement. Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually lived in peace and harmony?
And why stop at treating each other with respect? Why do we hinge our every move on the mighty dollar? No one wants to do anything unless it somehow benefits them, typically monetarily. Greed has corrupted the human race. And now I find myself at a catch-22. I would start putting my plans for peace, harmony and unity into action today! However, no one will listen to you unless you have lots of money.
Stephanie Meyer wrote a book called The Host. It’s a science fiction novel based on an alien race coming and taking over earth. However, it’s not the typical doom and gloom that most science fiction depicts. This alien race takes over the bodies of humans, and they live in harmony. There is no corruption. Everyone contributes. Everyone is equal and respected and accepted. A true Utopia. This sounds too good to be true, which is probably why she brought aliens into this story because anything short of the extraordinary seems to fall short to get us to put our differences aside. This is the reality I would love to see us in.
You work? Awesome! Except, you don’t get paid in money. There’s no need. You have the perfect house, you can go to the grocery whenever you need to and get whatever items you need. You get your pet(s) and child(ren) taken care of. Doctor’s visits are free. Bills? What bills? This is a society where everyone helps everyone, and no one is left wanting.
Alas, we are human and subject to the human nature of greed. We want more, more, more. And for some reason, a perfect Utopian society angers people. Why? What do you have to be angry about? Please tell me, because I can’t wrap my mind around the fact of someone being angry at peace and harmony and unity.
So where do we begin? How do we make this dream a reality? It starts with you. One small act of kindness at a time. But what about the financial part? See, money, the economy, and the weight put onto these things are man made. They don't exist anywhere except within the social constructs of the human race. If you were to peek behind the curtain, you would realise that the powers that be are only pulling the wool over our eyes. There's not actually a need for money. There is enough for everyone. There is work for everyone. There is enough food, enough clothes, enough shelter, enough space. There is enough for everyone. The problem is the human affliction of greed and pride. These are what we must fight against. What good will it do you to live well beyond your means? Why live with more than you need while another lacks?
The book Utopia by Sir Thomas More outlines almost perfectly how to create such a society. No one is left needing. Everyone works and has a job to do. And in their free time, they focus on expanding their knowledge - something that today's world could do a lot more of. If anyone refuses to do their share of work, s/he is cast into slavery to be forced to carry their weight. However, not even those who are turned into slaves are badly treated, for they still are given plenty of food, shelter, and all their needs are taken care of. They are still treated like people, but their laziness is not permitted. Again, there is no use for money, for if everyone is working and contributing, then there isn't really a need for such trivial things as the trade of paper and metal in exchange for necessities.
The government isn’t going to make things better. Rather, we need to make a better government. We can't allow ourselves to be fooled any longer. We the People... For the People... By the People... We need to stand together. For Peace. For Harmony. For Unity. For the Greater Good of Humanity and our only home, the Earth and all of her inhabitants.
Save the Bees
If you have been keeping up on current events, you are probably feeling unsettled at the very least. We’re facing all sorts of problems, and it can be overwhelming to look at the mess that we’re in. It’s kind of like a bunch of toddlers threw a party in your house. You can’t see the floor, because everything has been strewn about in such chaos that it’s hard to wrap your mind around. What is that, and where did it even come from? I really hope that was water and not pee… Why was no one paying attention? How did this even happen? And finally, after you’ve accepted that this is what you are now left with, the question remains: Where do I even start cleaning this up?
There are things that we need to join forces on as a human race. Those are the big messes that require more attention and more care. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to work as a team; most people are happy to live in a nasty, smelly mess and ignore that there’s even a problem. So work on the small things first. Things that are more effective if everyone takes time to help, but something that you don’t really need a team to collaborate with. In my personal opinion, a garden is one of the best things to do.
The bees are dying, and they are going to take everyone and everything else with them. Sure, scientists are developing robot bees. However, my question is this: Why are they wasting money on building robot bees when we could be using that money to save the real bees? It’s terrible and heartbreaking, but we can do something about it. Plant bee friendly flowers. Build your fruit and vegetable garden that you’ve been putting off. If you’re allergic to bees, help your friend build a garden. Learn to tell the difference between our helpful bee friends and their very scary wasp cousins so you don’t accidentally kill a bee. If you don’t like any of these, look to Pinterest (very helpful), Google, and friends and family for more ideas to help you save the bees.
But Ashley, I’m broke as hell! I can’t build a garden with my low budget!
Worry not. You can usually buy flowers very cheap at the grocery store, and seeds for even cheaper. You don’t have to build it all at once. I have the same problem. Little bits at a time is just fine. Also, potted plants are awesome! No weeds, less mess, and very useful (and your only option) if you live in an apartment. I’ve also just hung a cheap bird feeder and squirrel feeder! I didn’t even know they made squirrel food!
Saturday, April 15, 2017
'Utopia' Review
I have just had the privilege of finishing one of the greatest books I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying! ‘Utopia’ by Sir Thomas More reads like a conversation in the beginning. Then the second character of focus begins to tell his tale of the Utopians and how they run their country. In Utopia, there is truly a commonwealth. Everyone works and enjoys broadening their knowledge. Their government is fair and just. They do not value money as it serves them no use; instead, they value iron since they need it for practical uses - pearls are given to children as playthings. They dress simply as fine clothes are impractical. And everyone is truly treated equal. No one is above the rest. Even those who would be deemed politicians in today’s language (this is written in old English) put in an honest day’s work and are politicians second. Because everyone works, no one goes needing of anything. Everyone benefits from the work that they do.
There are many parallels that I saw with society today. Sir Thomas More goes on to say that pride and greed keep the rest of the world from following suite of the great Utopians, and that is even truer in modern society. He notes that those who are hard working in ‘normal’ societies are often left needing more and that the service animals that help plow the fields and such are treated to a better life than the man who breaks his back in honest labor. While, on the other hand, the banker or politician who barely lifts a finger all day makes well beyond his means. For could you imagine if we all worked together, forgetting of something so trivial as money? Our current system is failing. It is well past time to dismantle it and start working together in unity, as a family.
In my personal opinion, this book ought to be the one read in schools and ‘Romeo and Juliet’ needs to be done away with. This book has so much more truth and depth to it that our youth would benefit from and build on.
** As a side note, if reading old english is difficult for you, I highly recommend listening to it on audiobook!
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Stuck in a Rut
Hello! Yes, I have been slacking. Yes, I have broken my promises of more articles. You have my sincerest apologies. Lately, I have been stuck in a rut. I've been struggling with depression and losing my job and putting way too much on my plate. I've been stressed out and dealing with some real life stuff. You know those days where you just cannot get out of bed no matter how hard to you try to convince yourself. You know those nights you just cannot sleep, even when you take some sort of sleeping aide. That's where I'm at. Just today, I slept in until two in the afternoon after another sleepless night.
If you struggle like I do, please know that you are not alone. The way society wants us to live is not normal. It is not healthy. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Somewhere in there, you have to try to fit in self care and socializing. I'm not gonna lie, work is the only time I really talk to people.
I am working on myself. I am trying to pull myself from the fog. I am trying to strive for all that I know I can be. It is time for healing on a spiritual and emotional level. It is time for a deep and wholesome cleanse.
So here is what I am currently working on: I am writing a dystopian novel. I'm also reading the book Utopia by Sir Thomas More. I have no doubt that it will be an amazing book. I'll be sure to let you all know, of course.
Peace, love, and healing to all of you magical beings <3
If you struggle like I do, please know that you are not alone. The way society wants us to live is not normal. It is not healthy. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Somewhere in there, you have to try to fit in self care and socializing. I'm not gonna lie, work is the only time I really talk to people.
I am working on myself. I am trying to pull myself from the fog. I am trying to strive for all that I know I can be. It is time for healing on a spiritual and emotional level. It is time for a deep and wholesome cleanse.
So here is what I am currently working on: I am writing a dystopian novel. I'm also reading the book Utopia by Sir Thomas More. I have no doubt that it will be an amazing book. I'll be sure to let you all know, of course.
Peace, love, and healing to all of you magical beings <3
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