Why do we feel the need to kill each other? Why do we hold such hatred and contempt for our fellow humans? They say it's just human nature, but I don't believe that. Writing this hatred and behavior off as "human nature" is ableism. It's a way to continue down this road of anger, bigotry, contempt, and hatred for one another without feeling guilty. Because having to actually look at the monstrous beings we've become is too scary to acknowledge. Having to correct our ways for the better is too much work, and people are too lazy for self-work. No, it's so much easier to just ignore the problem. But ignoring the problem will result in mass extinction, I promise. If we continue down this road of hate and anger.... Well, we're one wrong move, one wrong word away from World War 3, and everyone has nukes now. Do you really think that we'll survive? We are killing ourselves by polluting into the air, into the water, by cutting down the trees that give us the air that we need to breathe. Honestly, if we wipe ourselves out with war, then we deserve it. . . But.... We have the power to change our fate. We can, each of us, look in the mirror and acknowledge the monsters that we have become and we can choose to be better. Every single day, we can choose to be a better person. We can choose love. We can choose compassion. We can choose kindness. We can choose goodness. We can choose to be decent human beings to our follow human beings.
"We are Love, Limitless. Always, and in all ways." ~ Emily Jean Benson (Check this amazing being out on Facebook. She has the most amazing videos and posts.)
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