For example, Trayvon Martin. He was a black teenager painted to be the bad guy when all he was doing was walking down the street with his hood up. There was absolutely NO REASON for him to be shot and killed . . . and yet, that police officer was praised by the people. Sure, there was some out cry, but not nearly as much as there should have been. This happens every day. Mothers of color worry about their sons, scared to death that they'll be next for a crime they didn't commit. Or how about the Dakota Access Pipeline situation? That's cutting through sacred Native American territory. There's police brutality and discrimination going on there. This is a peaceful protest that the government - because the police are an extension of the government - is trying to turn violent. There is no reason for the police to have armored gear and attack dogs.
I learned the reasons for the stereotypes we have for people from India and why we believe they are so much smarter than us. I learned that Native Americans do NOT live as well as the government wants us to believe; they basically live one tiny step above poverty levels. Not cool. At. All. I learned that a lot of Native Americans drink a lot to ease their pain and anger. I learned that the Middle Easterners are suffering a lot more than what the news is stating; I listen to NPR, and that seems to be one of the very few reliable news sources left. Palestinians are being forced from their homes and feel oppressed, injustice and extremely discriminated against in their homes in Israel and are not allowed to go back to their homes in Palestine.
Let's not forget the LGBTQ community, either. Love is love; and as long as we aren't killing, hurting, maiming or otherwise causing harm to each other, WHO BLOODY CARES WHAT'S GOING ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS?!?! If you're against it, then don't participate! For example, if you don't smoke and someone offers you a cigarette, you say, "No, thanks. I don't smoke" and be done with it! People commit suicide over being so horribly treated because of their life's path! I have the firm belief that you can't choose who you love, you just love who you love. Why is it more acceptable for people to open carry military grade weapons into a coffee shop, but it's completely unacceptable for two men to hold hands. Everyone wants world peace, yet they are so unwilling to be loving and accepting. (P.S. I'm bisexual, but lean more towards men.)
***Let me give you an embarrassing moment of my childhood; I was in elementary school at the time. I was visiting San Diego to see my late grandparents and my family had stopped in a little Mexican restaurant for lunch. Towards the end of our meal, my little mouth blurts as loud as I can, "Why did the Mexicans invade America?". Which my parents promptly got angry at me for, paid immediately and left faster than you could blink. They gave me a very stern talking to, and asked where I had even heard that. And then continued to educate me that most of the United States actually was Mexico before we went in guns a blazing and kicking everyone out of their homes - and things still haven't changed much. Mexicans never invaded the United States, white people did. White people forced the Native Americans off their lands. White people caused hell to the African people they stole from their homes and enslaved. And yet, white people have the audacity to paint peoples of color as the monsters; that needs to end. Alas, this is the product of the American education system. I have since come a long way in trying to better understand the world around me.
I mention that last bit to show you that I am not perfect. I am still learning, and because my parents did educate me properly, my eyes have been opened to just how corrupt and biased the system is. I actually had the extreme pleasure of speaking with a Mexican American who spoke of the true and wholesome values of Mexicans. Family, faith, and hard work. Honestly, most Americans today could definitely learn something from Mexicans and Mexican Americans. These people have a deep culture of love and passion; values that are truly worth gaining.
I had the great pleasure of speaking to several people about this. In order to complete this feat, I used Simbi as a platform to get my request out there. I've been using it for a few weeks now, and the people that I have met are truly amazing (save for the one person who thought I was requesting this because it's a 'fad'). Go check out my previous post about Simbi and go meet the wonderful peoples of the world! Learn from each other about the differences in culture. This is how we bring about peace; by understanding one another. Let's hold hands, let's understand each other, let's escort peace into this world.
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