Sunday, June 4, 2017

Provide the Evidence!

There’s been a lot of debates going on as of late. It’s actually getting quite frustrating. I, for one, am tired of being told that I’m “fighting” when I calmly and rationally present evidence for any any particular subject, whether I agree with the topic or not. We have so many things that are controversial today that shouldn’t be. Climate Change being a huge one. There is mountains of evidence supporting climate change and yet there are people out there who are adamantly shoving their heads in the sand and just outright denying it. You can’t say that everyone is wrong and automatically be right. That doesn’t make you right. You need to provide hard evidence. You need to provide proof to back up your claims. This is for both sides of a debate on any given topic. Google is free, you can do a quick search.

People believe that the world is flat. People believe that the Earth is only a few thousand years old. Why? After all the science and evidence and data that has been collected, why would someone still hold tightly to falsehoods? Because they don’t like change? Because they can’t stand to be wrong? Why? Just because you believe it, does not mean it is right. Educate yourselves and do the proper research. I’ll respect you a lot more if you come with evidence to back up your claims that my belief is wrong than if you just thumb your nose at me and tell me I’m wrong just because it goes against what you believe.

The scientific community just recently discovered that gender is a spectrum, that sex is different from gender. Sex is in relation to your genitalia, and gender is neurological. Just a quick Google search of “Gender is a Spectrum” will pull up a plethora of articles. I have the scientific evidence to back up my beliefs, and I believe what I do because of science in the first place. Science is constantly evolving and changing and becoming more accurate as our understanding grows. Our tools are enhancing and upgrading. The studies we are able to perform are so much more in depth than even ten years ago. You have to be flexible in your understanding and knowings, because new data is put out every single day.

Be educated. Be informed. And that means looking at studies that go against what you believe. How are you supposed to have a full understanding of what you believe in and why if you don’t fully understand why you don’t agree with the other point(s)? It’s like saying that I don’t like Subject A having never looked into, tried, or researched Subject A. Why don’t I like Subject A? “I just don’t” and “You’re wrong” and name calling are not proper responses.

It’s like believing in a religion and not even being open to exploring other religions if only to understand more fully why the religion you follow is the best one for you. Whereas if you do explore other religions, now you have a better understanding of the world around you and you can now make an educated decision on what to believe in rather than just believing because you were told to. For example, I became a Christian in high school. I did it for the wrong reason: I liked a boy who was Christian and wouldn’t date a non-Christian. I never got the chance to date him, but I pursued it anyway because it had suddenly consumed my life without having a full understanding of the faith. I even went so far as to create an online church on an MMORPG game. I was an absolute monster, too. I was one of those shove-it-down-your-throat Christians.

What changed? Well, I actually read the Christian Bible. I listened to it. I started paying attention to those around me who called themselves Christian and paid attention to those who didn’t associate with at religion as well. What finally got me was when I was getting divorced from my abusive ex-husband. The pastor’s wife told me that “God didn’t want me to get a divorce”. I was being abused, and this almighty being didn’t want me to be safe, protected, and loved. This almighty being was supposed to be all about love. And that’s when I decided that I was no longer a Christian based on my experience and knowledge of the Bible (which is actually a terrifying book, but I’ll let you read it and discern that for yourselves). My experience with Christianity is not a good one. I am now exploring all the options, but have not currently found any one religion that I like. (Mostly, I’m just pulling a little from here and little from there. And my overall outlook is that if a particular religion makes you a better person, then more power to you.)

But see, that’s part of the process. You have to educate yourself on everything before you can make an actual sound decision. I still don’t understand how there are still people who deny that the Earth is round when there is ample science to support that claim. I still don’t understand how people believe that the Earth is only a few thousand years old when there is plenty of scientific data that states that the Earth is in fact billions of years old. I still don’t understand how people can deny climate change when there is mountains upon mountains of evidence that proves that it’s real and it’s happening and that we are fucking ourselves over by trying to ignore the problem.

Ultimately, don’t make a claim, don’t take a stance, and don’t tell someone else that they are wrong without the proper evidence to back yourself up. Because then you’re just an uneducated bigot. I am open to discussions. I like to learn and expand my knowledge. I don't like being wrong; I don't think anyone does. So if I am wrong, educate me - with evidence and proof. Because you better believe that I'll be coming with my stash to back up my claims.

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