Sunday, February 5, 2017

We Need Renewable Energy Now

There are many awful attributes to fossil fuel use. We are polluting the earth with smog and oil spills. We are destroying the earth, our only home, much like a cancer destroys a person’s body. Fortunately, there are cures for cancer. With the help of medical professionals and hard work, a person can overcome the illness. The earth has cancer, and it is time to listen to the professionals in order for the healing to begin. Scientists agree that it is time to make the transition to renewable energy sources. And there are many to choose from.

Solar power is a great and reliable source. The sun is going to burn bright for many generations to come. Thanks to scientific advances, houses can be equipped with solar panels on their roofs. In 2014, Ford even created a concept car that runs primarily on solar energy. That would also help usher in the age of renewable energy. And for those of you who say, “What about cloudy days?” Well, the next option is a nice backup.

Windmills. Wind energy is easy to harness rain or shine. Wind farms might not look pretty, but wind, like the sun, is not going away for many many lifetimes. It is also a clean energy source that will, in its continued use, help to stop and hopefully reverse the effects of pollution. “Well, what happens when there are days without wind?” Great question.

The final option I would like to talk about is hydro-power. Watermills and dams create renewable energy as well. The currents of the water are always moving and flowing, like the blood that flows through our veins. Water is what gives everything on this planet life. By using unsafe means of energy sources, we are destroying our most valuable resource. Perhaps we could simultaneously clean up our rivers and lakes and oceans while using hydro power.

Lastly, this would all be fantastic for the economy. Incorporating these things into our everyday lives would create jobs, and not just short term. All of these options need maintenance, and it is so much easier to fix a solar panel, or wind turbine, or water mill or dam than it is to fix a pipeline. And if those pieces of equipment do break, there are no hazardous spills. None of these things give off harmful toxins.

Friends, these are just a few of the the many renewable sources available to us. We need to save our planet. We are destroying our ozone with greenhouse gases with our continued use of fossil fuels. We are going to cause our own extinction unless we start making changes now.

We must also not condemn those who work in the fossil fuel industry. Everyone from those who lay the pipeline down, to the operators at the distribution centers, all the way down to the gas station workers - all of them must be trained into the renewable energy industry. And on top of all of those jobs that are being saved by this method, the potential for more job growth is high. WIth the specialized technology comes a need for those who are able to repair things like solar panels and wind turbines. We also need people to figure out and plan which sources will work best with which regions, so there’s more jobs, as well.

“How will the U.S. pay for it? It’s too expensive!” Rebuttal all the nay-sayers…. Easy, we can cut spending in areas that we really don’t need to be spending extra on.. Say, defense, for example? Or we can demand that our wealthy politicians cut their pay and donate to the cause. There is always a way. People need to stop clinging to their bigotry and hatefulness of change and get with the program.

Divest from big oil. Water is Life. You cannot drink oil and eat money.

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